

Infectious Diseases
Sexual and Reproductive Health

We propose to support early product introduction for the dapivirine ring through the Envision FP mechanism with the express goal of shaping the market and establishing a service delivery platform for future MPT VRs. The activity will be called PROMISE (Preparing for Ring Opportunities through Market Introduction Support and knowledge Exchange). The draft scope of work outlined below is well aligned with Aim 3 of Envision FP (develop new methods to address method-related nonuse or fill gaps). During the first four years of Envision FP, FHI 360 established a robust pipeline of contraceptive products that will be introduced in LMIC in the coming years. Product introduction experience with the dapivirine ring will have direct cross-learning relevance to these contraceptive products given the primary service delivery channel for the ring is family planning settings.

Primary Objectives

Support IPM’s service delivery channels analysis and strategy by further researching ways to integrate the dapivirine ring with family planning services and create an enabling environment for future de-medicalized delivery of the DVR in 5 countries engaging both FP and PrEP stakeholders (Note: this work will map out integrated and de-medicalized strategies that could strengthen health systems to deliver future VR products, e.g. 90-day DVR, dapivirine-levonorgestrel VR)
Convene a Regional Ring Collaborative for national planning and programming in 5 countries (note: this work will break down existing siloes between FP and PrEP national programming efforts and pave the path for future DVR programming at the national level)
Support IPM’s demand creation work by conducting market shaping activities to build awareness, acceptance, and demand for DVRs as an additional method choice to meet women’s sexual and reproductive health needs, engaging both FP and PrEP stakeholders (note: this work will create an enabling environment for the sustainability of VRs as a drug delivery platform for future VR products, e.g. 90-day DVR, dapivirine-levonorgestrel VR) 4. Knowledge management for ring (note: this work will strive to frame ring as part of a broader sexual reproductive health prevention narrative inclusive of FP and PrEP)
Study Population

Key stakeholders (including NDOH, implementing partners, civil society, end-users)


  • Dr Saiqa Mullick,
  • Diantha Pillay,
  • Melanie Pleaner, Elmari Briedenhann,
  • Nkunda Vundamina



Latest Update:

15 February 2021

For more about PROMISE please email

Research and Policy Briefs

Project Brief: PROMISE